Waldorf Class of 61

This page is dedicated to providing information to and about the classmates of the Waldorf College Class of 1961.

Commencement Program
3:00 P.M. - May 28, 1961
Civic Auditorium
Forest City, Iowa

Watch for pictures and information about our 50th reunion.

We would like to share with each other and with all visitors to our site our feelings about our college and what it contributed to our life.
  We lived our fiftieth reunion year and we are renewed, refreshed, and revitalized.

So if you are one of us, a student at Waldorf, a Waldorf staff person, or you just happened here and found what we have to be interesting, take a tour.

"The Alma Mater"

All hail to thee, O Waldorf,
Thy praises we will sing;
Through thy beloved lobby
Thy echoing anthems ring.
We sing of precepts noble,
Of loyalty and truth,
Of love and labor blending
To guide the steps of youth.

We love our Waldorf College,
The school of Vikings bold;
We love our Waldorf College,
The purple and the gold.
Then hail, all hail to Waldorf,
Our Alma Mater dear;
May heaven's richest blessings,
Crown every passing year.